A group of CETG ladies met up on Zoom to participate in Angie Hughes' Illuminated Letter workshop. I did not really know what to expect, as a novice to machine embroidery and not actually having attended any of Angie's workshops before. All I knew beforehand was that I really liked the pictures of the illuminated embroidered letters and was keen to have a go at making one myself. Following on from our March 2022 talk on Tudor inspired embroidery, delving into the world of medieval manuscripts felt quite a natural continuation of a theme.
Once the workshop started, my early apprehension soon dissipated. Angie truly is a great tutor, and her little pre-recorded films were great in introducing us to the inspiration behind the intricate diaper work (the little repeating squares behind the letters).
With plenty of images of historical manuscripts and her own work, she helped us to understand what could be achieved. Then followed more films demonstrating each step of the construction, peppered with additional commentary and advice.
We did not actually make anything while on the zoom-call, but as soon we were finished, I got my felts and kitchen foil out (as I had failed to acquire the proper chocolate wrappers!) and embarked on my design. Couple of little mishaps later (all my own fault in not following the instructions properly), and after embracing machine stitching, couching, hand embroidery and felt cutting, my illuminated letter emerged.
What a great project this was. I will certainly be making other letters and I am still thinking of having a go at using gilding on the base felt.
Although the workshop was designed around one aim, the ideas and techniques demonstrated and taught are easily transferred to other projects. I reckon that my Jubilee bunting will feature some foil decorated felt!
Pirkko Soundy
Other comments on Angie’s workshop:
I've combined this with the request for bunting! Treated this as a sample, I'll do a good one next time! The day was super. A mix of good conversation and Angie's super tuition. It was so good to see new techniques and refresh on some old ones. I can't wait to make one again now that I have tried the technique out. Deborah Sanders
Angie's workshop was fab. So stimulating, very professional and in the best company of course! I'm yet to complete my piece but have really enjoyed the process so far. I'm trying hard not to buy new "stuff" so everything's from my stash. I was challenged to find enough sequins of the right size for this project, but am happy with the range of colours I ended up using. This is a fiddly project but very enjoyable and mindful once 'in the zone'. Sue Robinson

Pirkko's illuminated letter
Deborah's illuminated letter
Angie Hughes' illuminated letter