CETG Meeting on Monday 8th August 2022
Amy Rose Collins - Introduction to Macrame
After a warm day, it was lovely to welcome Amy Rose Collins in the cool of the evening, to talk to CETG members and friends about her introduction to macrame, her developing passion and her ongoing journey.
Amy was introduced to macrame during the Covid lockdown. Furloughed from her job of four and a half years as a member of British Airways cabin staff, Amy was tempted by, and bought, a macrame plant holder kit, and then another, in Aldi! And the rest is history…………….
Talking of history, Amy told us that macrame is thought to have originated in Arabia as a way of dealing with handloom warp-threads. Artisans would knot the excess threads to make decorative fringes on towels, shawls, veils and the like. After the Moorish conquest, macrame was taken to Italy and Spain through the trade routes, and over time spread throughout Europe.
Macrame was introduced into England at the court of Mary II in the late 17th century. Queen Mary is said to have taught the art of macrame to her ladies-in-waiting. Have a look at here and here for more information about the history of macrame.
In a very short space of time, Amy has created a small business selling macrame items; she’s learned a lot and is already undergoing a rebrand with a view to reaching a wider target audience. Amy treated us to a lovely display of her work which included beautiful wall hangings, plant holders, coasters, key rings, and festive Xmas decoration kits. A few CETG members chose their favourite colours from Amy’s range of macrame yarns, and under her tuition learned a knot or two to make a keyring. Other members took the time to look carefully at Amy’s display, to look at some of her books and to socialise. Have a look here to see a couple of the books in Amy’s collection; Macrame and Macrame 2 by Fanny Zedenius, also recommended by CETG member Tina, who owns both and has followed instructions to make some of the projects. We enjoyed Amy’s entertaining and informative talk describing her macrame journey to date, and to hear about her plans for the future of her practice and her small business, Country Rose Knots; we look forward to her developments and wish her all the very best for her future.
Words © Sue Robinson/June 2022
Photos © Michaela Matza